Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday rolls around again...

Just in from the gym, a bit early so I can call my grandson and tell him Happy Birthday before I go to work, since he goes to bed before I get my lunch break.

Vacation day tomorrow; hoping to take Dottie to a movie and fix dinner after, then have a quiet evening at home.

If I get to fix the Chicken Marsala, I'll let you know whether it turns out or not on Wednesday; if she wants something else, I'll fix that instead. It's our last mid week day off together until after July, so I hope to see she enjoys it!

Hope all of you are having a good Monday!



MB said...

Hope you are having a good Monday, too, Alan! Did you post that chicken marsala recipe and I missed it?

Dr. Deb said...

Yum, I love chicken marsala. Once you know how to make it, it is really an easy dish and so DE-lish.


I don't think I've ever mentioned how much I admire you for sticking to the gym.

dragonflyfilly said...

we used "shills" (i think they are called) anyway, those little finger-cymbals, at our belly-dancing class tonight, it was so much fun, not easy to do...and in the middle of the lesson this idiot sticks his head in the door and says: "can i come in?" -- the instructor did not hear him, but since my "stupid condition" my hearing for some strange reason has improved imensely, she walked over to the door to ask him what he wanted, and in the meantime i saying, very sternly, "NOOOOO, you cannot come in!!!" - it was quite anyway, i said to her, "was someone snapping their gum",and everyone laughed, because last week, after someone snapped their chewing gum in class she told us that in some eastern cultures, only prostitutes snap their gum... well, i hope you have as much fun at your gym class as i do at my belly-dancing class.

cheers and happy hot monday...when i came out of class tonight at 10:00, there was a warm breeze blowing, it was hot and sultry and i thought i was in Hawaii!!!!

alan said...

No, I didn't get to try it yet, so hadn't posted it. I didn't think it was "right" to if I hadn't made it once!


puhpaul said...

I'm also waiting for that Chicken Marsala recipe. If it's easy and tasty I'm up for trying it out myself.

Have a great day off.


dragonflyfilly said...

alan, the thing about the broken heart is a good thing -- you see what happens is the "symbolic" heart shatters open and through the breaking blossoms into the compassionate heart, which is not shown in this post because blog spot would not publish it (maybe file too big?) -- so no probs. check it out again, i have now managed to post the whole "graphic", so it might make more sence...or maybe not...oh well!!!

cheers from "scorching" vancouver

Mystical Me said...

I m so jealous a movie & dinner. Oneday I so wish to have you cook for me. ;) I hope all is well & do take care sweetheart. Love always, MM XOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXXOOXOXO

Kranki said...

You are such a good hubby making dinner and taking her on dates.

MB said...

I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed it! Sounds great... so I'll keep my eye out for when you do post it. (I hope! I'd love to try it.)

Patricia said...

what a lovely sentiment, to make your limited time together really count for something. i love that gushy stuff :)