Thursday, July 27, 2006

A little something...

to make up for the longer post I had planned for tonight (overtime and my first day back in the gyn are catching up with me, not to mention Photoshop wasn't cooperating as I tried to reduce these, lol).

Our first Monday in Vermont, after I photographed the car on the Brookfield Floating Bridge, we had gone back to my sister-in-laws in East Roxbury. We went up the road past her house, one I've been down many times, and I ran across these flowers...

Back down the hill and in her front yard, I found these...

4:17AM, my clock is set for 10:30...

Goodnight all!



Patricia said...

beautiful flowers.

now go make some strong coffee!!

Connie in FL said...


robin andrea said...

Those are really beautiful flowers, alan.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers.
I wish I had flowers like that in my garden.However..I do not have a green thumb!

stay safe

MB said...

And you bring flowers, too! ;-)

These are gorgeous. Are the top ones foxglove?

Kranki said...

I love white flowers. These are beautiful. And GET TO BED ALREADY!

alan said...

Deb told me what they were, but being senile, for the life of me I can't recall! When one of us talks to her again, I will ask (and write it down this time)...


Frankie said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS flowers and you've captured them wonderfully!! Thanks for the beauty!

Taradharma said...

hello again sucker, er, I mean sweetheart. I've tagged your sweet self on my blog....a terribly mean thing to do, but I figure you're too nice to actually hate me for it....