Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Rinse, Repeat...

Started the next "cycle"...it would be 17 of 19 again, but I have Halloween off, and we get election day as a negotiated holiday. Worked an hour over last night sweeping...I know better, but too greedy for my own good (truck payments, car payments, Christmas is coming, a half dozen birthdays...)!

Mitch's birthday on Saturday was fun.

My sister's younger son Jordan, with my grandaugher Talia and my youngest grandson...

Caleb a few minutes later, lol...

This is Dillon, looking quite grown up for 7...

and of course, my brother-in-law Mitch being served his cake and ice cream by Miss Talia...

Next time I go back to the Nikon and the overhead bracket to get rid of redeye, these were all shot with the little Fuji and unretouched.

Sunday we made the 10:30AM show of "Flags of Our Fathers". Someday this will be ranked above "Saving Private Ryan" in the list of great WW2 movies. Knowing Eastwood shot a 2nd movie from the other "side" of things that won't come out until spring, I'm curious to see it as well.

If I am smart enough to leave when the line stops tonight, I'll be making the rounds this evening...hope I'm forgiven for not getting everywhere everyday at this point!



Heidi said...

I hope you'll be smart enough to leave tonight. ;)

I've been saying this for the past year..I need to buy myself a digital camera..I feel so out of the loop. Cute pics :)

puhpaul said...

Great pictures Alan! It looks like you have a wonderful family. I can't wait to see Flags of Our Fathers, I hope it comes to our little theatre up here.

Don't work too hard, paul

Connie in FL said...

Delightful pictures, delightful family, delightful you.

Thanks for sharing! xo

MB said...

Make sure you are taking good care of yourself!

Dr. Deb said...

ADORABLE photos.
Yum, sure wish I was there!

Kranki said...

The OT is calling.....

The kids are super cute. I wish I had me some cake.

dragonflyfilly said...

now that's what i call being "waited on hand and foot" eh?

yeah, heidi, i need a digigal camera too, but now i have decided to go to this "Healing" workshop in November instead - technology will have to wait...maybe IF we are good Santa will bring us each one?

kool bed (i bought one just like that for my daughter, but she soon outgrew it), also, she was too big to use it as monkey bars...WHAT FUN he looks like he is having!!!!

thanks for sharing the pics, and thanks for stopping by my blog,

yeah, i saw all those crazy/cute photos of dogs dressed up....sooo funny.... so i guess you will be going out with the kids, eh...and have you tried that peanut butter cookie recipe yet?

alan said...

Tried to put up a new post but Blogger is having none of it...

I worked 10's the first 2 days this week, and 9's the other 3 so far...

Heidi, shop around, read Epinions.com and you'll be surprised what you can find!

Paul, thank you for the kind words, and I hope that movie makes it there as well!

Connie, right back at you!

To the best writer I know...I'm trying, thank you for taking care of my soul!

Deb, I wish you were too...meeting you would be a treat!

Kranki, once again your Friday post was my lunchtime treat at work, and my first smile of the evening, thank you!

To my favorite quarterback...can I play center?


mckait said...

i love family pics!

you have a wonderful family!