3 grandkids spending the night tonight and tomorrow. Saturday will find Grandpa in the backyard holding casting practice (better in the driveway than the boat) and letting them climb around in the boat one at a time to let them get used to the idea-and teach them to stay away from the edges! When they tire of that Grandma has some seeds she wants to have them help start in planters for later in the spring, and I will start cleaning and rebuilding reels.
Jordan's birthday party is on Sunday, so we'll be springing Mom from the nursing home and taking her to my sister's for the afternoon.
Hopefully you will all forgive me if I'm not around much 'til next week!
Meanwhile, I keep thinking of an old "friend" who left us a couple of years ago: Harold Ensley. He was "The Sportsman's Friend" and had the first "fishing show" I ever saw. Harold became so well known that he went national. In one episode he took Milburn Stone (Doc from "Gunsmoke") fishing, which led to him appearing on "Gunsmoke" as one of "Festus" cousins. As a boy watching him, I never would have dreamed he would warrant a piece on NPR when his time here was done! Something about 48 seasons of broadcasts, and inventing a genre does that I guess...
He came and spoke at our high school when I was a junior, of growing up and his Mom teaching him to fish; of getting in trouble for coming home with his catch in his pockets and forgetting to take them out when he was 5 or 6...
He was injured in a plane crash in Costa Rica several years ago and that ended his television days, but not his fishing. When Dottie was going through therapy for her hip and knee replacements we were in line at the hospital, she was using a walker and I heard a familiar voice call out that he'd like to trade her out of those pretty new tennis balls (on the feet of her walker). It was Harold Ensley, using a walker himself, and while I stood there awestruck and speechless this wonderful man stood there and talked to her for a few minutes about her surgeries and therapy and making sure she did what they told her to so she would be 100% again. She had no idea who he was until I told her after he walked away.
Harold's theme song was (of course) "Gone Fishin". He would close the show by talking about how his fever was starting to rise and get the best of him and when that happened there was only one thing to do. Then he would put up a wooden sign that said "Gone Fishin"...
I'm almost there...and in my mind I'm gone...already!

I don't think I've ever heard of Harold Ensley before, but you certainly drew an incredibly vivid picture of him, alan.
I like how you plan to teach the grandkids to fish, and how to be safe on the boat. That, followed by planting seeds, will be quite a wonderful weekend.
I remember Harold Ensley!
I always wondered who would sit and watch a tv show about fishing. lol
That was lovely.
Have a Great day with your Grands..Come visit me. Baba
sounds like a great weekend for you and your family. You guys are like the Waltons... ! always with the kids and grandkids.. I envy that..
my kids are too scattered.
As for fishing shows.. oh my aching ears ! Dan watches them on the weekend.. they make my eyes cross and my ears bleed.
not a fan
what kinds of flowers did you start?
I love that you practise fishing with the grandkids. What a fabu idea. And a very cute mental picture.
Nobody ever forgets the person who taught him or her to fish. My grandfather always had bamboo poles ready for us, but clearly didn't love spending time in the boat with three kids and tackle. Bless his heart for trying, anyway. My other grandmother's best friend, a retired school teacher named Naomi, is the one who really taught us, because she didn't just teach us to bait a hook or cast our line. She taught us the basics of fishing with live bait, and more, and she did this with infinite patience and encouragement.
I don't have the desire to fish anymore, but I have taught my kids to fish, and I look forward to the day when GBabyZ is old enough to learn.
You're the best Grandpa EVER!
enjoy :) HUGS
enjoyed your post
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