Friday, June 30, 2006

As My Stomach Churns...

Since the Supreme Court ruling yesterday, I keep hearing the Shrub say he's going to protect us...!

So if there are 400 something still being held at Guantanamo, not counting the ones already released, then you count their relatives, and the coming generations of relatives who are all going to despise the next 20 or so generations of Americans (provided we're still around, of course at the present rate of our own loss of freedom)...

Factor in all of the relatives of every dead Iraqi since the first Gulf War...

Then there's that whole thing about there weren't any terrorists in Iraq...until AFTER we occupied their country...and since we're so busy with Iraq and poking our stick at Iran and North Korea, the Taliban have been borrowing from the Iraqi insurgent's manual...

Yeah, he's doing a great job of protecting us!




Connie in FL said...

I make a motion if there is a Dubya presidential library it be located in Iraq. The shelves shall be designed to hold the enormous volume of blooper tapes for future generations to enjoy.

All in favor say "I"!

Happy and SAFE weekend Alan.

I n g e r said...

I was thinking about this yesterday, too. Heard a guy interviewed on the local NPR about a research project on how the rest of the world feels about America. Sobering shit.


Happy weekend, though--happy 4th.

Frankie said...

Grrrrr indeed, Alan, grrrr indeed.

sttropezbutler said...



dragonflyfilly said...

hey alan i've been thinking about you, but my office is so warm i have been avoiding turning my computer on...makes it even hotter! ...Yes, i remember when we changed fron the Royal Ensign (i think it was) and had a contest for a new flag, i did submit an entry, which was quite close to the one we had, but someone else won the contest! the flag you see in the photo was one that was erected during Expo (86???) and Jimmy Pattison bought it when the exposition was over. You can see it for miles around...i love it!

ref your post: all i can do is shake my head in amazement...sometimes the state of the world just leaves me speechless!!!

Lori said...

Hi Alan! Have a few minutes online so wanted to touch base and let you know I haven't forgotten you! One of these days I'll get a computer up and running again and then you all probably won't get me to shut up! I hope that all is well with you and look forward to catching up on reading everyone's blogs. God bless, friend.

Dr. Deb said...

This makes me ill!

Barbara said...

I was going to say something about this on my blog but after posting the Rick Mercer's "Talking to Americans" videos, I was afraid folks would think I'm anti-American or something.

My problem is that I still love the land of my birth but no longer recognize it.

Taradharma said...

the man makes me so mad I could...I could...oh, I don't know! I just COULD!