Monday, August 28, 2006

"I am shocked...

shocked to find gambling going on here!" (Renault, played by Claude Rains, in "Casablanca" from 1942.)

This display of nerve leaves Rick at a loss. The croupier comes out of the gambling room and up to Renault. He hands him a roll of bills.

Croupier: "Your winnings, sir."

Renault: "Oh. Thank you very much"

From the script of "Casablanca", 64 years ago...

The above has been much in my mind, repeating over and over since last Friday when the State Department announced they were shocked that Israel "might" have used American made cluster bombs in civilian areas of Lebanon last month, and they would begin an "immediate investigation to make sure that none of the agreements we had with them about the use of such weapons had been violated"...

Jim Clancy of CNN was on the ground there last week, showing the bomblets scattered everywhere by the thousands, and speaking to doctors and nurses in the hospitals who were trying to save some of the children injured by these miniature airborn mines. One child had not even been playing with one or touching it at the time he was "hit". It fell from the tree where it had been stuck, next to the front stoop of his home...

He was about a year older than my grandson.

CNN also showed people trying to go out and clear the bomblets. There aren't enough of them of course, and they are scattered not only all over the ground, rooftops and in trees, but in the rubble of every building that dropped from other bombs, etc..

What a wonderful world...



Kranki said...

It is just sickening, isn't it? Bomblets? Makes them sound cute when they are soooooo not.

Tausha71979 said...

Hi Alan:)

Thank you for you kind comment on my cat Jack, it was very sweet of you:) I wanted to check in to your blog, I don't think I've been here before. I have loads of reading to do it seems! I hope that you stop by again, and I will do the same:)

Take Care!

CrackerLilo said...

Shocked that they're being called out for it, more like it...

I loved that scene in Casablanca, too.

puhpaul said...

It kind of reminds me of something my nephew said when he wet the bed. He said, "I didn't do it, IT did it." It is actually kind of heartening to see that the people supplying the weapons are being taken to task along with the end users.


mckait said...

and now the prez saying that we did not start the war..

such balony...


i have stopped watching most news.. can't bear it.

JLee said...

I agree with Von K...not a cute thing. I get so depressed working in news sometimes when I hear all this crap. Only God can straighten it out now.

I n g e r said...

I saw a news report on this a few weeks ago. It's outrageous.

Bomblets... 12-pack grenades, delivered to villages near you.