Thursday, June 01, 2006

Just a quick pass...

on my way to the shower and bed. Dottie's antibiotic slayed her innards, so she ended up not working on Saturday; she did go on Sunday, then had Monday for the holiday and Tuesday was her normal off day. She finally gave up and asked them to change the antibiotic on Monday and we picked it up that evening; she started on it yesterday and things are finally "slowing down". She did go to work today, so I hit the gym and started trying to make up for the days I lost last week. Tomorrow I'll go again, but have to swing by to check on my son's house (they're due back this weekend) so I need to leave even earlier to get the same amount of time in the gym.

They took my measurements for the first time in a year today. Weight 193, a year ago 258 on May 19 when I joined. Waist today, 36" at the navel, last year it was 52". They didn't have a device to measure body fat then, but today it was 25%, a year ago she said it would have been 35% or so. Still a ways to go...

They asked me to fill out a questionnaire for their "Member of the Month" (yes, my mind went straight to the gutter). Since haven't had one since January, that might be kind of neat...

Today puts us within 2 weeks of "model change" so we're supposed to only do 8 hour shifts for the next little bit (I'll believe it when I'm going out the door at 1AM). It would be nice, just a little bit of slack right now would go a long ways!

2:49, gotta go!

Thinking of each of you!



b o o said...

lol@member of the month. but boy are u svelte now :) hope dottie feels better soon {{hugs}}

robin andrea said...

That is quite an accomplishment, alan. It takes a lot of commitment and work to achieve what you have. Well done.

I hope Dottie is feeling better. It's important that she also take acidopholus to replenish the necessary and beneficial bacterial flora. Antibiotics wipes out everything in its path, even the good stuff.

Connie in FL said...

Good for YOU!!!

Heidi said...

How awesome!..Congrats Alan you deserve it for all the hard work.

Get well quick wishes for Dottie.

JLee said...

all right!! that is so inspiring..

MB said...

Alan, congratulations. This is impressive. I hope Dottie is feeling better very soon.

Taradharma said...

wow, alan, big changes. Congratulations for the long haul work! you inspire me in my efforts -- I'm now down 2 clothing sizes!

sttropezbutler said...

Fantastic and inspirational...

As usual.